Archive for November, 2010
Posted in Uncategorized at 12:58 am by
We went to the vet… she look at this pesky sore( its on his left hip) and said that its a possibility that it is infected and would explain why he is running a fever… she also said it could also be the cancer…ugh… she felt his limbs to make sure there wasnt a tumor […]
Posted in Uncategorized at 1:52 am by
I sit here this after noon surrounded by my boys. Koa lays under a chair, Apollo on his pillows, Kochice right next to him. I’m trying to relish in the cuteness and quietness of it all. I am taking Apollo to the vet tomorrow morning. We have been battling a pesky pressure sore that really […]
Posted in Uncategorized at 1:23 am by
I know something is wrong… my husband keeps telling me that everything is going to be ok. Ive prayed and prayed. and find myself at a loss for words. I look at Apollo and I see the light starting to fade. I keep telling myself that its not time yet. He’s getting up moving around […]
Posted in Uncategorized at 1:07 am by
I cant believe its been a little over 3 months since Apollo came to live with us. Our world has changed and I find that Im constantly wondering about the time that we have left with him. I continue to pray and I know the God will take care of it all. I often wonder […]